Successful e-commerce begins beyond the horizon
Multiple certified Enterprise Shopware Agency in Munich
Whether it is a relaunch, replatforming or further development - we as shopware agency consider e-commerce holistic and illuminate with you all relevant aspects of your project.
For us this does not start with concepts, nice designs, great marketing ideas or a list from features, but with an understanding of your project and the challenges that arise from it is the result.
To achieve this goal together, it is important for us to know you and your project - and to learn to understand. We are convinced that in this way the best possible solutions are created so that you can successfully start or become more successful in e-commerce with Shopware 6.
Let's look behind the horizon together!
Why Shopware 6?
10 good reasons
For every business model - whether B2C, D2C or B2B
Concentrate on the essentials: Fully automate daily processes now
As individual as your business - the Rule Builder
Pure experience through a CMS that combines content and commerce with the worlds of experience like never before
Completely detached storefront easy to adapt thanks to open standards
Extremely performant and scalable
For e-commerce in the cloud or on premise
Unite all your sales channels, content and front ends on one commerce platform
We have co-developed Shopware 6
Why we know so much about Showpare 6?
Due to our many years of expertise as shopware agency, we were chosen to help develop the new Shopware 6. From the conception to the implementation, we were an integral part of the development and were able to incorporate our experience from numerous customer projects. This way, even before the official launch of Shopware 6, we got to know and love the system in every detail.
Frequently asked questions
Shopware FAQ
- What is stopping you from being more successful today?
- What are your main expectations of the project (recommendation: five points which should be prioritised)?
- Why do you want a new shop/a new platform?
Competition: - Who's your competition?
- What sets you apart from your competition?
- What makes the competition better?
- What do you do better?
- What third-party systems do you use today?
- Which of these are still needed/needed additionally?
How's your CI? - What sales targets does your company pursue?
- With which measures can these be achieved?
- What has contributed to this so far?
- What has not worked well so far?
- What, if anything, should not be changed and is revenue-generating?
- What should be changed/optimized urgently?
- Who is your target group?
- What do you want to achieve with the relaunch?
- What about your data quality?
Conducting customer surveys: - What do your customers like?
- What might they be missing?
- What induced you to buy?
- Why wouldn't they have (possibly almost) bought? etc.
- What expectations does the management have of your project?
- How much time do you have for your project?
- How many resources do you have at your disposal?
- How much budget do you have available for your project?
- Once these questions have been answered, you can work towards these targets and ask yourself with each requirement: does this pay off on one of the targets?
Together for project success
But since we also know how challenging it can be for you as a responsible person to to deal with these questions in a focused and structured manner in addition to the busy daily business, we would like to support you already in the early phase of your project, because already here elementary building blocks for your project. As a specialized shopware agency our processes are optimized for the digital commerce business and are supported by numerous Enterprise projects we have been able to constantly deepen our expertise and thus provide the best possible project. Already after one or two day workshops we are able to answer most of these questions with you and thus lay the foundation for a successful joint project.
Gemeinsam zum Projekterfolg
Da wir aber auch wissen, wie herausfordernd es für dich als Verantwortlicher sein kann, sich diesen Fragen neben dem auslastenden Tagesgeschäft fokussiert und strukturiert anzunehmen, unterstützen wir dich hierbei gerne bereits in der frühen Phase deines Projekts, da hier bereits elementare Grundbausteine für dein Projekt gelegt werden. Als spezialisierte Shopware Agentur sind unsere Prozesse für das digitale Commerce Business optimiert und durch zahlreiche Enterprise Projekte konnten wir unsere Expertise stetig vertiefen und somit bestmöglich für dein Projekt einsetzten. Bereits nach ein bis zwei Tagesworkshops sind wir in der Lage, die meisten dieser Fragen mit dir anzugehen und so den Grundstein für ein gemeinsames erfolgreiches Projekt zu legen.
- With the experience worlds, Shopware now covers content & commerce strategies like no other system on the market.
- The API deadline approach is perfect if you need to bring multiple systems together to meet your and especially your customers' needs.
- With the headless approach you are free to choose: respsonsive storefront, PWA or to implement something completely different for a certain target group, there are no limits to the freedom and possibilities.
- With multi-language, sophisticated multi-currency system and rule-based tax models, Shopware 6 also puts you in an excellent position for internationalisation.
- End-to-end API allows you to automate recurring tasks, leaving you time for more important tasks.
- Thanks to the consistent use of common frameworks, Shopware 6 is "developer friendly" and enjoys a large community, which is reflected in a large and constantly growing ecosystem.
Every project and its challenges are individual, just like your business. Let us we are available for you on the phone within one working day, I promise! Contact us
We would actually not recommend this at Stand today. Shopware will release version 5 yet. support for further years and also provide updates. So you are on the safe side when you are already using Shopware 5 today and do not need to switch to Shopware 6 immediately.
However, if you are facing a relaunch project, we would be happy to support Shopware 6 because you cannot simply migrate a Shopware 5 project due to the new architecture, which was necessary to meet the challenges of the modern world e-commerce.
This can not be answered in a general way, because this depends on many factors around your requirements. Nevertheless, we would like to mention a few relevant points, which are often not all taken into account when considering costs.
Our principle:
We consider the following aspects in the Enterprise segment. If you have a relatively small project, you can solve certain topics easily with the Shopware 6 standard or use plugins.
Shopware Licenses
Here you have the choice between:
- Rise (from €600,00 per month)
- Evolve (Custom price)
- Beyond (Custom price)
These costs depend on your chosen agency. As a longtime shopware agency we are able to make full use of the technical possibilities and Shopware 6 already offers some useful features. We are happy to coordinate directly with your SEO/SEA agency to make the implementation as useful as possible for you and at the same time prevent a "responsible ping pong".
Depending on the ways and means you decide to use in marketing - also these tools have to be integrated and usually entail monthly costs. We are happy to advise you with our many years of experience. We have here a good measure of costs and benefits and can advise you on your toolstack and also integrate it into Shopware 6, because we believe that the 1000th tracker will no longer lead to the goal. With the right use of these tools, your knowledge of the products and industry and our comprehensive e-commerce know-how will give the platform the right boost.
- For professional internationalization, we recommend a translation agency, whose costs can vary greatly, but of course we have enough experience and can advise you. We do not recommend finished text packages, because your customers will notice that.
- "Multiplier": Basically, it must be taken into account that internationalization permeates all levels (also in your daily business) and thus increases almost all expenses
The hosting for professional projects, which are operated in a high availability cluster, starts at about 1.250,00€/month. Of course a high quality toolstack is already included and we don't have to mention dev/test/stage environments.
API Connections
- Newsletter system
- Transaction mail service
These costs depend on whether there is already an integration to this system and how individually you operate the respective third party system. Hidden here is a large automation potential, because nothing lets you sleep more calmly than an optimal and thoughtful linking of your systems. In addition, "clean" and complete data is the be-all and end-all in modern e-commerce. After all, these are not least the basis for search, personalization, recommendation and the quality of advice on your platform.
Search/Reco and personalization
Here too, there are many different solutions. The billing models differ here from Provider to provider. Each provider follows its own strategy. So it is up to you and us to evaluate the right provider for your project. We don't need to mention that a decision made correctly here will improve the sales and consulting quality on your platform and thus not only lead to more growth, but also to an increase will result in higher customer satisfaction.
With monthly costs starting at 750€ you're certainly not too wrong here (please note: these can vary greatly depending on the number of products, visitors and purchases).
Project costs
Last but not least of course the implementation costs.
These are strongly dependent on your requirements and roughly include the following points:
- UX/UI Concept
- Content Concept
- Technical concept (requirements phase)
- Workshops
- Qaulitätsmanagement
- Project Management
- Technical implementation
That depends entirely on what you want to achieve. Basically, we think that many systems are (more or less) suitable to realize a project for digital markets. However, Shopware 6 is very broad and flexible in this respect, and therefore, in our opinion, provides the right basis for very different challenges.
As a 100% shopware agency, we have already specialised exclusively in shopware projects by 2012. Under the point "Why Shopware 6" we have listed the most relevant added values
However, in order to clarify this question for you in a well-founded, individual and fast way, the best way is to contact us by e-mail or telephone, we will be there for you personally within one working day, promised!