dasistweb on Stage
Tutorials, Talks and more
When it comes to Shopware, we’re in! Shopware has been our thing since 2011 and even more so, since the release of Shopware 6... the result: already having been able to rock numerous enterprise projects. As a result, you can regularly find us "on stage" when it comes to e-commerce and Shopware 6. Whether it’s in talks, tutorials or podcasts - we love sharing our knowledge with you!
#011 Experience of having 6 projects on Shopware 6
As a guest on Shopware unplugged: What do we, as an enterprise agency, have to say about Shopware 6 - especially in comparison to Shopware 5? In this podcast, Martin explains why Shopware 6 is ideal for us and how we see the differences in use, when comparing the two versions.
We rise above beyond | #SCD23
Christian Dangl
Head of Technology, DevOps Engineer
Live Coding mit Christian Dangl - dasistweb
Christian Dangl
Head of Technology, DevOps Engineer
Buddy Webinar #25 - dasistweb
Christian Dangl
Head of Technology, DevOps Engineer
Shopware Boostday Hackathon - dasistweb
Vitalij Mik
Backend Dev., Ausbilder
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Expert Talks
What we say
OMR Digital Masterclasses 2020 on 10.11.2020
ARMEDANGELS - A Fair Fashion Brand migrates to Shopware 6
Sustainability is no longer a niche and has arrived in the mass market. ARMEDANGELS has occupied this market for more than 10 years and is one of the best-known brands for sustainable fashion. But how does ARMEDANGELS manage to stand out and face the increasing competition to maintain its Superior Competitive Advantage? In Talk, Christian tells us how we worked with ARMEDANGELS to create a shop that does just that. You can look forward to many exciting features!
[View DMEXCO 2020](https://dmexco.com/de/press/dmexco-2020-findet-rein-digital-statt/)
Expert Talk
epoq Personalization Experience Day
The Expert Talk provided exciting insights into the World of Personalization. We would like to thank our partner, epoq, for this interesting talk about this much promising topic.