About Wortmann

B2B Portal

The Wortmann Group, in Detmold Germany, known primarily for the Tamaris brand, is one of the largest shoe production and distribution companies in Europe, and is considered the market leader for fashionable women's shoes. Their collections are sold in over 70 countries and more than 15,000 shoe shops worldwide. In addition to the top brand Tamaris, the company also distributes the brands Marco Tozzi, Caprice, Jana and s.Oliver shoes.

Testimonial Marcel Wortmann Group

Marcel Korzen - Wortmann Group

"Together with the dasistweb team, we relaunched from Shopware 5 to Shopware 6 for all our B2B brand shops within the group. Parallel to this, the enterprise feature “Guided Shopping” was developed in a co-development with Shopware, which was co-conceptualized, implemented and continuously developed further by dasistweb. Starting from the initial idea to the first installation of the feature in our live case. The team convinced with a permanent focus on extraordinary performance and quality. Our partly complex business logics, as well as all processes, were continuously challenged in the project, right down to the last detail in order to set up a stable, user-friendly and state of the art shop environment. We really appreciate the advice and support at such a top level."

What we have achieved so far

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    Successful Migration from Shopware 5 to Shopware 6

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    In parallel with the Migration: conception, development and Beta Launch of the innovative Shopware Guided Shopping Functionalities for agents, based on the Shopware PWA

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    Reduction of Complexity and increase of Stability in the Core Business Processes

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    200% Page Speed Performance Boost

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    Highly optimized Order-Matrix

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    Modern Self-Service functionalities that are fun to use

Key Facts

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8 months

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Shopware 6 Enterprise

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Successful Migration

from Shopware 5 to Shopware 6

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Successful Migration

from Shopware 5 to Shopware 6

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Individual Customization

of the Shopping Experience system with numerous Custom Elements in a responsive Grid System

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All Brands are available in three Languages

(DE, EN and FR)

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Complex Inventory Management Process

with Delivery Addresses, with 1-N Inventory Warehouse

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Emotional and UX-optimised add to cart

despite the high complexity and information density of the order matrix

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Customer Group specific Product Portfolio

through defined Restrictions

Technical Facts

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Scale Commerce

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Shopware 6

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& Alerting

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Single Sign On
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High Performance

Hosting Cluster

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Separate Shopware 6

Installations per Brand

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Advanced Image Optimisation

with WebP Compression & Caching

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Custom Headless Apps

for use in multiple Environments

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Shopware PWA Seamless Integration

(Guided Shopping)

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Fully automated Deployment Pipeline

from Build to Unit Tests and Blue-Green deployment (zero Downtime)

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d.one Connector as Middleware for Connection

Control and Monitoring (Shopware Admin) of Interfaces

Banner Challenges Wortmann Group


Admittedly, the Wortmann B2B project has one of the most complex databases we know. In B2B purchasing, significantly more and also different data is of interest compared to B2C business - this is nothing new for a Shopware Agency. But a lot has to be taken into consideration. Not every user should be able to see the same thing - because depending on the customer group, market or season, there are individual prices, different warehouses, delivery dates and stocks, right up to a separate product portfolio. Each user, in turn, has different shops, seasons, main orders and re-orders, as well as 1-N pre-orders from which a re-order must be feasible and as easy as possible. We claim we have mapped the buying process in a sophisticated order-matrix and order history, including assortments and individual pairs, where we present the user extremely complex data in an emotional, simple, flexible and grouped way. Thus providing a comfortable shopping experience in a yet highly efficient way. A high degree of flexibility and individuality always brings along difficulties in the area of performance, as only very little that has been cached and can be delivered. Through a high performance cluster setup in cooperation with our hosting partner Scale Commerce, the platform also shines in terms of performance with a 200% page speed performance boost! 5 brands and two systems with the same look & feel in one B2B portal - no problem for us and Shopware 6. Through inheritance logic and the creation of synergies, we were able to establish five independent B2B shops and a Guided Shopping system based on the Shopware PWA, with as little effort as possible. The challenge in the area of Guided Shopping was also to serve two customer parties at the same time. Shopware itself now uses Guided Shopping as a product, Wortmann obtains this from Shopware, but also brought customer-specific requirements into the development process. Through direct communication via Slack and Jira as well as regular coordination calls, all parties were always on the same level and there was transparency at all times, for all involved.

Our services

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Shopware CMS Extensions
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Technical Concept
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Projekt Management
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UI/UX - Consulting
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Technical Implementation
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Interface Development
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Quality Management

Project progress and Implementation highlights

Even before the project started, it was clear to everyone involved that this was going to be something BIG!

5 Shops - 2 Systems - 2 Customer Parties - 2 Development Parties

The consistent pursuit of a holistic approach was essential in order for this to finally become a fused and meaningful unit. A clean, well thought-out and innovative basis was needed which nobody could permit to lose out of sight, if even for a second. Even if it gets tight near the end or, to put it bluntly, it would be more comfortable to taking an easy road - we all agreed that sooner or later special cases always tend to become stumbling blocks that then become unmanageable in such large projects. The awareness of this constantly drove all project participants to constantly question all issues, not matter how small the detail. Making everybody a fair sparring partner for each other. The extremely cooperative partnership, where all parties were all on one level, created the needed basis for this, and was the fundament to making it all possible. In order to challenge the demanding business logics, intensive workshops were held at the beginning of the project.

The aim was to adopt the logics as far as possible, but to identify edge cases and eliminate them in favor of low complexity and high performance. We very much enjoyed working together to carefully scrutinize all processes and to master the balancing act between historically grown requirements and new approaches with performance demands. In doing so, all parties always pursued a holistic and future-proof approach.

Parallel to the above, we created a new WebStyleGuide for the Shopware B2B shops which, together with the requirement specifications and UX concepts, resulted in a fully comprehensive project concept. The coordination was carried out promptly, smoothly and with an open mind at all times. Very short communication flows, using channels like Slack, Zoom and Jira, as well as the high availability of all parties, were extremely helpful. Particular attention was paid to the complex order-matrix in order to generate a clear and intuitive user flow, despite complex decision-making processes and inventory logics.

Thanks to our best-practice "agile-waterfall-project", the concept phase and implementation could be parallelized as far as possible. This meant that we were able to start implementing the first B2B logics very early on in the project, while the remaining features were still in the concept phase. The clear advantage of this approach was, that very early on in the project, the focus could be placed on performance and the detailed QA of the core logics.

Particularly noteworthy, which we can’t stress this enough, is the smooth cooperation between the teams on all sides - despite the fact that face-to-face meetings were not possible during the entire project period in 2021.

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  • Logo Tamaris
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  • Logo Shopware
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  • Logo Notebooksbilliger
  • Logo Schöffel
  • Logo Erima
  • Logo PallyHi
  • Logo s.Oliver
  • Logo Baby1One
  • Logo Jana
  • Logo Wortmann
  • Logo Dinzler
  • Logo mollie
  • Logo DIGEL
  • Logo Fackelmann
  • Logo Marco Tozzi
  • Logo GameStar
  • Logo Amplid
  • Logo ETERNA