Banner Natur Kosmetik

Natural Cosmetic Brand

Shopware 6 Cosmetics Onlineshop

The operator of the Natural Cosmetics Online Shop is one of the largest pioneers in research, development and production of certified and sustainable natural cosmetics - made in Germany. The manufacturer set itself the goal of using the power of nature to enable everybody a great feeling of self care as well as caring for the environment. With over 30 years of experience, combined with the most modern scientific methods for the composition of unique active ingredients, it is one of the most important and strongest-selling family businesses in Germany and one of the top manufacturers of sustainable natural cosmetic products in Europe.

What we have achieved so far

  • Entry into E-Commerce

  • Realisation of the Presence of a modern Brand

  • Fusion of Content and Commerce

  • Combining Corporate with E-Commerce

  • Increase in Online Sales

  • Increase in Quality of Online Consulting

Key Facts

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7,5 months

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Shopware Enterprise

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Fusion of Content and Commerce
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API for the customer data and marketing

automation platform “Custobar”

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ERP Connection

to Xentral

Technical Facts

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Scale Commerce

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Newsletter System


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Shopware 6 Enterprise Search

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Variety of customized Shopping Experience Elements

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for the Magazin with Blog Character

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Attractive presentation of so called Tiles

containing Product Ingredients, which can be played out on many pages in the shop, all maintained centrally in the admin

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Rating System


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Corporate Website

as separate Sales Channel

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The goal of the new shop, is to become the digital hub for all buyers as well as users, with the focus lying on emotionally well prepared products and brand information, mixed which unconscious incentives for a positive buying decision. This requires a successful mix of content and commerce, so that the products are perfectly presented, but inconspicuously mixed in between brand messages to create incentives to buy. As this was the first Online Shop for this manufacturer, few to no processes and infrastructures were defined - for example, a complete PIM system had to be set up, data structures needed to be defined and a clear definition of content responsibility incl. workflow had to be elaborated. There are two points of view on how to see these new processes and infrastructures that were defined: On the one hand, these unresolved issues can be an advantage for the project, as all processes can be tailored to the current needs and goals. On the other hand, a multitude of variables that have to be defined always represent a higher risk in the course of the project. In addition, the CI of the Natural Cosmetic Brand was renewed parallel to the concept phase of the shop, which meant that the design system had to be extremely flexible.

Our services

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CMS optimization
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Technical Concept
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Project Management
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Technical Implementation
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Interface Development
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Quality Management

Project progress and Implementation highlights

For three whole months - almost half of the duration of this project - we worked together with the client defining the requirements and the UX/UI concept. One major challenge was that the company's brand placement as well as the corporate design had to be revised at the same time, which meant we had to create an extremely flexible and easy-to-adapt design system. But textbooks don't lie and this work paid off.

Within just four more months, during which we were able to devote ourselves fully to the project implementation, the entire brand presence incl. shopping function was created.

Thanks to regular stand-up meetings, both internally and together with the client and third-party service providers, everyone involved was always up to date and could coordinate closely and directly at all times. This parallel and agile way of working, meant that it was no problem for several parties to work simultaneously on completely new systems and for these, further down the line, to function hand in hand.