Coffee online shop
with Shopware 6
The DINZLER coffee roasting company is known as a manufacturer of its premium products and has made a name for itself in the Alpine region as a top coffee specialist. "Coffee is our passion and our life" - and has been since 1998. From a small business with three employees, a medium-sized company with 200 employees has developed in a very short time. At today's company headquarters in Irschenberg, the highest quality coffee from Upper Bavaria is produced. Here, coffee is made by people for people. For years, the DINZLER coffee roasting company has been purchasing its coffees directly and fairly in the country of origin, thus guaranteeing consistent quality and this is what distinguishes DINZLER's top coffee. Ecologically sustainable, high quality, financially strong - this is the lived regionalism of the producer with the obligation to roast exclusively high-quality coffee specialities.
What we have achieved so far
Online consulting quality increased
SEO features significantly expanded
Content Commerce significantly simplified or made possible in the first place
Digitization made possible 💪 - to achieve an optimized result with the available resources
Brand appropriate shopping experience
Seamless fusion of CMS and Shopware 6 platform
Outdated shop system both in the storefront and backend replaced by the latest Shopware 6 platform
Key Facts
6 Months
Shopware 6 Enterprise
Category dependent
product detail pages
Aroma wheel
(pie chart like representation for aromas in coffee)
Category dependent
list display
Coffee subscriptions
(the right taste for every month)
Trial packs
Sale of event tickets
Purchase vouchers
Application consulting
already during product listing
Technical Facts
Reusable experience worlds
(page in page, single maintenance, multiple use)
Customer migration
with old passwords from old system
Fully automated deployment pipeline
from build to unit and automated front-end testing to blue-green deployment
Merging of the existing CMS
across different infrastructures with new hosting optimized for Shopware 6 Shop
Prepared for gradual CMS replacement
After the migration of Oxid, the DINZLER brand was to be presented in a modern and target group-oriented manner in the new shop. A colour guidance system is to help customers find their way through the nine main categories. For this reason - and due to the different needs for product presentation within the product groups - numerous individual PDP layouts were required, which should still be easy and efficient to maintain. For this reason, Shopware 6 was chosen at a very early stage. Since the GoLive date was already fixed due to an ERP change, we could not wait for the first official version of Shopware 6 before starting the project. Since we had already implemented the world's first online shop based on an early access version of Shopware 6 in October 2019, we were able to accept this challenge with a clear conscience and, in view of the tight schedule, we were able to rely on an early access version of Shopware 6 in the initial phase of this project as well, thus enabling the GoLive date. This project became particularly exciting not least because both the ERP Abas and the newsletter tool Newsletter-Tool SendinBlue (formerly Newsletter2Go) - were connected to Shopware 6 for the first time.
Our services
Shopware CMS extensions
Technical Concept
Technical implementation
Quality Management
Project progress and Implementation highlights
For years we have been enjoying the coffee of the private roastery from Irschenberg in our office. For this reason alone, we are particularly pleased to have won the pitch for the eCommerce project.
Unlike most of our projects, we did not contribute design and UX at DINZLER, but in this case successfully cooperated with the UX/UI design team of the roasting plant. Thanks to the joint effort of zeplin.io which cooperates with figma.com, we were able to stay in our regular workflow as far as possible - including the pattern library.
Basically, we at dasistweb are optimally prepared to bring together and manage the individual "trades" of different service providers during the course of the project, as far as this is desired by the customer.
The use of #slack, Atlassian Stack, Zoom, our in-house QA as well as our processes facilitates the cooperation in the project with equally committed service providers in order to realize the best result for the invested budget for our customers.
In the case of DINZLER, despite the local proximity (15 km as the crow flies), we only needed a joint kick-off on site to successfully implement the rest of the project remotely.