Banner Amplid


Winterports Online Shop Based on Shopware Enterprise

Few brands on the market love winter sports as much as Amplid. The company was founded in 2005 by snowboard legends Peter Bauer and Anian Thrainer. Using their decades of expe-rience as a pro-riders, they have created something very special: the first brand on the mar-ket with both skis and snowboards. Both the office and production sites are located at the foot of the northerly Eastern Alps – a location that enables immediate testing and fine-tuning of products.

Testimonial Peter Bauer

Peter Bauer, CEO - Amplid GmbH

"We needed an online shop that meets the visual expectations of our customers and our brand philosophy, but which also guides the customer smoothly and intuitively through the browsing and purchasing process without uncertainty. We also wanted to address a global customer base with different languages and VAT laws. The dasistweb team implemented our requirements perfectly within a very short period of time. Compared to last year, online sales have increased tenfold."

What we have achieved so far

  • Sales increased tenfold within a year

  • More robust brand presence adapted to the target group

  • A shop that can be independently managed by the brand

Key Facts

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4 months

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Two brands

on a common platform

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Shared items

between brand appearances

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Target Group

Snowboarders and skiers

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Multi Country

Multilanguage Shop

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Articles with a lot of detailed information


The challenge was to launch a Shopware shop for two brands based on the same technology. The permanent operation of the shops should be possible for the brand with acceptable effort. This made it clear that the shops had to use their common synergies, but at the same time have a brand-customised appearance from the outside.

Project progress and Implementation highlights

The development of the project was turned into a 4-part story as a Shopware flagship project.

Part 1: Amplid’s and PALLY’Hi’s switch to Shopware 5.2

Part 2: Amplid’s and PALLY’Hi’s switch to Shopware 5.2

Part 3: Amplid’s and PALLY’Hi’s switch to Shopware 5.2

Part 4: Amplid’s and PALLY’Hi’s switch to Shopware 5.2