Reach your next level

with dasistweb®

We have specialised in e-commerce for over 12 years and are a Shopware Platinum Partner, customising well-known brands for a clear recognition value. Shopware 6 is our basis, its technology is our passion. Our mission is to be the best at what we do.

What we do:

  • Shopware 6 (B2B / B2C /Product Features)
  • Participate in high-performance hosting setups
  • Realize standard as well as high-performance interfaces with third parties incl. logging / monitoring
  • Performance-optimizing and advanced development of the Shopware standard theme

How we work:

  • Devs as Team Leads
  • Implement Workflows where needed
  • Kick-Offs for the formation of common goals
  • Requirements engineering straight from the start
  • Take time for rock solid unit tests to ensure the best code quality
  • Dedicated QA departments (code review, test management)
  • High-end development environment
  • Professional and automated deployment pipelines

We need you!

Job vacancies

Unsolicited application

No suitable job offer for you? Then simply send us your speculative application to

Check-In at dasistweb®

Your application process

Icon Nr. 1 Round

Job application

We are curious to know who you are and why this job appeals to you. Cover letter, CV, general conditions, possibly a portfolio - show us what you can do and what you are passionate about.

Icon Nr. 2 Round


We have gained a first impression of you and are curious to get to know you better in person - on site or via Zoom. You can also find out exciting details about us, our team, work, setups and nerd stuff.

Icon Nr. 3 Round

Test working day

We can imagine enriching the dasistweb team with you. So that you know how we work, we will give you a real insight into our "diw" everyday life, accompanied by exciting tasks.

Icon Nr. 4 Round


Congratulations, you've got the job! Quickly sign the employment contract and off you go to onboarding. Here, too, we will never leave you alone and will actively support your start at dasistweb.


We want to achieve above-average results. If you are happy, so are our customers. For this reason, we offer a number of things that are not a matter of course elsewhere. For us it is...

Icon Business Time

Flexible Working Hours

Icon Remote

Home Office / 100% Remote

Icon Coaching

Further Training (Individual Coaching & Courses)

Icon Training


Icon Heart Square

Low fluctuation Rate (> 6 years)

Icon Document

Open-Ended Employment Contracts

Icon Devices

Modern Equipment (incl. Home Office Equipment)

Icon Event

Company Events

Icon Piggy Bank

Company Pension Scheme

Icon Family


Icon Work-Life-Balance


Icon Pyramid

Flat Hierarchies

Icon Coffeemug

Free Drinks, Fruit & Muesli

Icon Bike

Job-Bike (incl. Subsidy)

Icon Workation

Job-Bike (incl. Subsidy)

Our Nerd Stuff

Logo Bitbucket
Logo Buddy
Logo Cypress
Logo docker
Logo ELK
Elk Stack
Logo JS
Java Script
Logo Jest
Jest Tests
Logo MySQL
Logo Node
node JS
Logo AWS
Logo PhpStorm
PHP Storm
Logo PHPUnit
PHP Unit
Logo Puppet
Logo React
Logo Slack
Logo Symfony
Logo TestRail
Test Rail
Logo Vue.js
Vue JS
Teaser kununu 2024 office

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Have we convinced you?

Then say hello!

Your contact person: Claudia (HR)

Whatsapp E-Mail

Teaser Claudia dasistweb